Team 71

[ FLUTTER ] CocoaPods 오류

sudo gem uninstall cocoapods sudo gem install cocoapods CocoaPods 설치한 후 초기화가 안될 때 (Flutter MacOS 셋업) Flutter(1.9.1+hotflix.2)를 맥OS에 설치를 할때 CocoaPods 설치한 후 초기화(Initialize)를 실행하면 아무런 표시가 안뜨는 것을 확인할 수 있고 flutter doctor를 실행해서 현재 flutter 셋업 상태를 확인할 때,..

Team/난감했던 이슈들 거북 2021.10.26

[ FLUTTER ] GridView 고정높이 주는 방법

ㅁ Change height of GridView row to fixed height · Issue #55290 · flutter/flutter I've noticed that GridView makes each child a square.. I know we can change dynamically height of grid view row by setting childAspectRatio. That however doesn't make it fixed so when the d... * 선언부 class SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCountAndFixedHeigh..

Team/난감했던 이슈들 거북 2021.09.17