전체 글 514

[ FLUTTER ] GridView 고정높이 주는 방법

ㅁhttps://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/55290 Change height of GridView row to fixed height · Issue #55290 · flutter/flutter I've noticed that GridView makes each child a square.. I know we can change dynamically height of grid view row by setting childAspectRatio. That however doesn't make it fixed so when the d... github.com * 선언부 class SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCountAndFixedHeigh..

Team/난감했던 이슈들 거북 2021.09.17

[ FLUTTER ] TextInput Controller 에러

증상 'initialValue == null || controller == null': is not true. 원인 initialValue 와 controller 는 동시에 사용할 수 없음 관련링크 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52691887/flutter-initialvalue-null-controller-null-is-not-true-error Flutter - 'initialValue == null || controller == null': is not true. error I'm trying to set an initial value for the text field. But I Can't set the initial value in text form field..

App/Flutter HEON.D 2021.09.08