[ MYSQL ] RDS max connections show variables like 'max_connections'; t2.micro: 66 t2.small: 150 m3.medium: 296 t2.medium: 312 M3.large: 609 t2.large: 648 M4.large: 648 M3.xlarge: 1237 R3.large: 1258 M4.xlarge: 1320 M2.xlarge: 1412 M3.2xlarge: 2492 R3.xlarge: 2540 DB/MYSQL HEON.D 2022.08.05
[ TOOLS ] oh my zsh https://ohmyz.sh/ Oh My Zsh - a delightful & open source framework for Zsh Oh My Zsh is a delightful, open source, community-driven framework for managing your Zsh configuration. It comes bundled with several helpful functions, helpers, plugins, themes, and a few things that make you shout... OH MY ZSH! ohmyz.sh Team/TOOLS HEON.D 2022.08.01
[ WEB ] vim-adventures https://vim-adventures.com/ Learn VIM while playing a game - VIM Adventures VIM Adventures is an online game based on VIM's keyboard shortcuts. It's the "Zelda meets text editing" game. So come have some fun and learn some VIM! vim-adventures.com Inspirations HEON.D 2022.07.24
[ OSX ] Hammerspoon https://www.hammerspoon.org/ Hammerspoon Hammerspoon What is Hammerspoon? This is a tool for powerful automation of macOS. At its core, Hammerspoon is just a bridge between the operating system and a Lua scripting engine. What gives Hammerspoon its power is a set of extensions that expose specifi www.hammerspoon.org Settings -- init.lua local english = "com.apple.keylayout.ABC" local escapeBind .. Team/TOOLS HEON.D 2022.07.23
[ FLUTTER ] 체크박스 커스텀 V2 import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:iamhere/config/config.dart'; import 'package:flutter_svg/flutter_svg.dart'; class CustomCheckbox extends StatefulWidget { const CustomCheckbox({ Key? key, required this.value, this.tristate = false, required this.onChanged, this.mouseCursor, this.activeColor = const Color(0xFF292929), this.borderColor .. App/Flutter 거북 2022.07.22
[ FLUTTER ] 직접 만든 라디오버튼 import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:iamhere/config/config.dart'; /// 라디오버튼에 사용할 테마 class RadioButtonTheme { final BorderSide activeBorderSide; final BorderSide inactiveBorderSide; final Color activeColor; final Color inactiveColor; const RadioButtonTheme({ this.activeBorderSide = const BorderSide(width: 1.0, color: Color(0xFF292929)), this.inactiveBorderSide = const BorderSid.. App/Flutter 거북 2022.07.22
[ NodeJS ] Socket.io Connection 유실 검사 const socket = io.connect(url, { reconnection: false }) socket.on('update', data => console.log(data)) socket.on('connect_error', err => handleErrors(err)) socket.on('connect_failed', err => handleErrors(err)) socket.on('disconnect', err => handleErrors(err)) FE/NodeJS HEON.D 2022.07.21