
[ MongoDB ] mongorestore

HEON.D 2021. 12. 24. 01:43

Mongo CLI 설치

brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community@5.0

mongodb-database-tools는 내장되어있지만 추가 설치가 필요한 경우

brew install mongodb-database-tools


Brew Install 실패하는 경우

Error: Permission denied @ apply2files - /usr/local/lib/docker/cli-plugins
mkdir -p /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/Resources/cli-plugins
brew cleanup



"error":"NonExistentPath: Data directory /data/db not found.

 Mac Catalina (10.15이상)부터는 root폴더에 Writing이 불가능 ( 임의 폴더 지정 )

mongod --dbpath=/Users/user/data/db





mongorestore — MongoDB Database Tools

Docs Home → MongoDB Database ToolsThe mongorestore program loads data from either a binary database dump created by mongodump or the standard input into a mongod or mongos instance.Run mongorestore from the system command line, not the mongo shell.See al


mongorestore --archive="/Users/heon/data/dump/mongodump-classes-db" --nsFrom='classes.' --nsTo='classes.';


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